
Membership now runs for a year from when you first join.

The current cost for joining is £30 per member.

The system for membership registration – the links below will help you gain access to the new system and join the Club.

Please note that if you are already a member of a BRC club your email will already be included on the system and you will just need to reset your password rather than create a new account.

Registering an existing BRC member Click Here

Registering as a new member Click Here

How to update your personal details Click Here

Adding another member to your account Click Here

Benefits of joining British Riding Clubs
  • Friendly riding club activities at your local club with like-minded people
  • Subsidised training
  • Access to club competitions and events specifically aimed at BRC member level, including Grassroots league competitions
  • Public liability insurance at BRC events
  • National competition structure, including Championships
  • Quarterly Rider magazine, which includes discount codes for BRC members
  • 30% discounted BHS gold membership